Person Centred Software offer a Connected Care platform which provides a suite of integrated solutions covering the full ecosystem of care management within social care.
Within the Connected Care platform, you can use one solution on its own, or you can use multiple that connect, all through a single device.
Each area focuses on a particular part of the care ecosystem and when used together, provides a complete solution to improving outcomes for residents, improving the lives of care workers, and improving the overall efficiency, effectiveness, and compliance of a care setting. Solutions include Care Planning, Medication Management, Wellbeing & Activities and Care Home Operations.
Person Centred Software’s seamless integration philosophy also extends to solutions offered by our valued partners providing you greater flexibility and opportunity to connect all aspects of your care management.

Over 6,000 care providers using Digital Care System.
- Residential care homes
- Nursing homes
- Dementia care homes
- Supported living/retirement care villages
- Mental health support
- Learning disabilities
- Local authorities
- Domiciliary Care
This person-centred digital care system reduces time spent on paperwork with care interactions evidenced as they happen, achieving the company's aim of giving staff more time to spend with residents, supporting regulatory compliance and improving the quality of care for residents.
What are the benefits of choosing Person Centred Software’s Digital Care System
- Icon-driven, real-time evidence of care: An efficient and person-centred way of creating care notes!
- Gives each nurse, carer and home manager 1 hour back per day to provide better care
- Instant access to information: no more waiting around!
- Live monitoring of care with complete management oversight
- Reduction in staff turnover by providing a digital system that makes their work less stressful
- Improve compliance with the regulator as all the information they require is available within the system.
Person Centred Software Videos
Learn more about the system and how it can help your care home in the videos below.

What are the benefits of using Person Centred Software's eMAR system?
- Saves care providers time when booking in medication, reordering monthly medication, and auditing the home
- Reduces the risk of medication errors
- Puts the care home and the residents at the heart of all medication processes
- Care providers can continuously monitor resident's wellbeing
- Improves safety when administering medicines
Find out more in the videos below.
Wellness and Activities
Person Centred Software’s Wellness and Activities Solution is part of the Connected Care Platform and offers a range of services aimed to boost the physical and emotional health of those living and working in social care. Services include the Oomph! Wellbeing & Activities platform, which gives residents and staff access to specialist content, activities, and wellbeing programmes 24-7, Oomph! Wellbeing & Activities training bundles including leadership, wellness, and creativity, and myStrengh, an app providing wellbeing support for care staff.
Oomph Wellbeing and training for staff
Designed by experts, this wellbeing, exercise, and creativity training enables your care home team to develop and improve across every aspect of their wellbeing delivery.
Training can be face to face, interactive or self-led. Upskilling and supporting staff in a format that suits them.
- Staff gain expertise
- Residents feel happier
- Exceeds regulatory requirements with a positive impact on CQC reports
Care Home Operations
Click here to find out moreDigital Reception – Digital Reception is a front of house e-reception book for visitors, staff and residents. A highly configurable system, supporting any number of social care settings.The system operates on Android or Apple touchscreen tablets and has a hands-free operation that uses people’s smartphones to avoid the need to touch the screen.
Maintenance & Asset Management System - Digital Reception is a front of house e-reception book for visitors, staff and residents. A highly configurable system, supporting any number of social care settings. The system operates on Android or Apple touchscreen tablets and has a hands-free operation that uses people’s smartphones to avoid the need to touch the screen.
NurseCall Messaging Service - Person Centred Software’s Nursecall Messaging Service (NMS) is a smart solution that removes the requirement for pagers and dedicated medical devices by allowing your staff to access alerts, messages and notifications in one place via a single device.
DepenSys - An innovative web-based dependency system backed by more than 35 years of research that enables care providers to:
- Quickly and accurately identify the specific needs of each resident.
- Convert these needs into the necessary time and skills required to meet them.
- Compare the suggested staffing levels with the actual levels.
ResHub - ResHub is an easy-to-use, fully integrated ‘hub’ that connects residents, families, and care staff, elevating the daily resident experience.
ResHub is a platform that meets your needs today while future-proofing your care organisation’s ever-changing needs.
Person Centred Software are offering KirCA members a discount of 15% off your first year's subscription to PCS digital care planning and PCS Atlas eMar.
To find out more and take advantage of this KirCA membership discount simply contact Person Centred Software on: 01483 357657 or and state that you are a member of Kirklees Care Association.
Valid until 31/3/25.